Payment Methon
(1) With PayPal, you can send payment quickly and securely online. Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to PayPal's site where you could make the payment.
(2) Through PayPal, you can pay with a credit card, debit card(VISA、Master Card), or bank account balance.
(3) You may still check out even without a PayPal account. To do so, please click on "Pay with Debit/Credit Card" and you’ll be redirected to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information or complete your payment safely via PayPal.
We support credit cards shown as below pic; please note that Snackcoater does not collect your credit card number or personal information when you make a payment, and we take your security seriously.
Secure Payment
Orders placed on our site are encrypted using SSL* technology, so you can rest assured that your transactions are protected. With SSL implemented on both the client and server, information sent via the Internet can be trusted to arrive privately and unaltered to our server. In order for SSL security to work, you must use an SSL enabled browser. Most browsers, version 3.x and later, support SSL.
*Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a technology used by vendors to ensure the security of online business. It negotiates and employs the essential functions of mutual authentication, data encryption and data integrity for secure transactions.